[citation needed]. Bologna Football Club 1909, popularno zvani Bologna, je italijanski nogometni klub iz Bologne, u pokrajini Emilia-Romagna, koji je nastao 1909. godine.Imaju nadimak crveno-plavi zbog klupskih boja koje nose na dresovima koji su tradicionalno prugasti. A long, controversial court case began after the bombing. 1980: Bologna blast leaves dozens dead. Bleiben wir zuerst bei der Stadt, und das schön lange, denn Bologna ist eines der wichtigsten gastronomischen Zentren Italiens. The Supreme Court upheld the conviction of Luigi Ciavardini, a NAR member with close ties to Terza Posizione, in April 2007. Nella quarta giornata del girone di ritorno incontra in trasferta il Bologna e vince per 1-5. Federigo Manucci Benincasa, the director of SISMI's Florence branch, was later charged with obstruction of justice. Es wurde mehrmals versucht, die Aufklärung zu behindern und die Umstände des Attentats zu verschleiern. The suitcase also contained personal items belonging to two right-wing extremists, a Frenchman, and a German. Due to the large number of casualties and an insufficient number of emergency vehicles available to transport the injured to hospitals, firefighters used buses, private cars, and taxis. Cavallini, Fioravanti, Mambro and Giuliani were convicted of forming an armed gang. Die Wettkampfserie bestand aus jeweils fünf Einzel-, Sprint und Staffelrennen für Männer und wurde an fünf Veranstaltungsorten ausgetragen. Carlos: utilizzati giovani neofascisti, però per me Mambro e Fioravanti sono innocenti", "Denuncian que Almirón también participó en la ultraderecha española", "Strage di Bologna. Ballan, Belmonte, Felice, Delle Chiaie, Fachini, Gelli, Giorgi, Musumeci, Pazienza, Signorelli and Tilgher were acquitted of subversive association. The device exploded at 1025 local time (0825 GMT) in the air-conditioned waiting room, which was crowded with people trying to escape the heat. Die beschädigten Gebäudeteile wurden wiederaufgebaut, der Fußboden und ein tiefer Riss in der Wand wurden jedoch als Mahnmal an den Anschlag unverändert beibehalten. Ascoli: 30 7 11 12 18 34 +16 25: 10. [14][page needed], On appeal, Fachini, Fioravanti, Mambro, Picciafuoco, Rinani and Signorelli were acquitted of murder on 18 July 1990. [24], During a 2008 BBC interview, former Italian president Francesco Cossiga reaffirmed his belief that the massacre was attributable to Palestinian resistance groups operating in Italy (rather than fascist black terrorism) and in the innocence of Francesca Mambro and Valerio Fioravanti. [5] L'Unità, the Italian Communist Party (PCI) newspaper, attributed responsibility for the attack to neo-fascists on 3 August. [4], 44.50583333333311.3425Koordinaten: 44° 30′ 21″ N, 11° 20′ 33″ O, Vor 25 Jahren: Bomben-Anschlag im Bahnhof von Bologna – Italien und der Terror von rechts, Internationaler Komponistenwettbewerb „2 Agosto“, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Anschlag_von_Bologna&oldid=204526762, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. After the attack, large demonstrations were held in Piazza Maggiore (Bologna's central square). Nel 1980/81 la Juventus di Giovanni Trapattoni vince lo scudetto. Nach Erfolgen gegen den AS Rom, den FC Valencia, Newport County und Benfica Lissabon konnte die Mannschaft letztlich erst im Finale durch Dynamo Tiflis bezwungen werden. 1. The attack was the worst atrocity in Italy since World War II. Der Anschlag von Bologna (italienisch Strage di Bologna) war ein Bombenanschlag auf den Hauptbahnhof der italienischen Stadt Bologna am Morgen des 2. Carminati and Manucci Benincasa were acquitted for lack of evidence in December 2001, and Bongiovanni's conviction was upheld. verlinkt sein. Nach der Verhaftung von Rodolfo Almirón, einem ehemaligen Mitglied der Alianza Anticomunista Argentina, im Jahr 2006 gab der spanische Anwalt José Angel Pérez Nievas bekannt, dass es „wahrscheinlich [ist], dass Almirón – zusammen mit Stefano Delle Chiaie und Augusto Canchi – am Attentat auf den Bahnhof von Bologna 1980 beteiligt war“. Das Dach des Wartesaals brach zusammen, was die Zahl der Todesopfer stark erhöhte. La strage di Bologna è uno degli atti terroristici più gravi avvenuti in Italia nel secondo dopoguerra, verificatosi sabato 2 agosto 1980. [13], On 26 August 1980, the prosecutor of Bologna issued twenty-eight arrest warrants for far-right militants of the NAR and Terza Posizione. Sie hatten 1985 im Gefängnis geheiratet. [10] Both Terza Posizione leaders said that Musumeci was trying to divert attention from P2 head Licio Gelli. [2] Die Summe wurde vom Gericht als Ersatz für die materiellen und moralischen Schäden sowie für die Verfahrenskosten festgelegt. Ciavardini received a 30-year prison sentence for his role in the attack. In dem Fall muss schulferien.org als Quelle angegeben bzw. Die Explosion war kilometerweit zu hören. [17] On 30 January 2003, the Court of Cassation finally acquitted Carminati and Manucci Benincasa. Die Hinterbliebenen der Opfer gründeten eine Organisation (Associazione tra i familiari delle vittime della strage alla stazione di Bologna del 2 agosto 1980), um die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit auf den Fall zu lenken. Bundesliga 1980/81 Nord. Sie begann am 14. [27] On 19 August 2011, the Bologna prosecutor began an investigation of two German terrorists: Thomas Kram and Christa Margot Fröhlich, both linked to Carlos the Jackal's group and in Bologna on the day of the attack. Subcategories . August 1980 het e Grubbe vo Rächtsextremiste e Bombeaaschlaag uf e Hauptbaanhoof vo dr Stadt usgfüert. Among those arrested were Massimo Morsello (future founder of the neo-fascist organization and political party Forza Nuova), Francesca Mambro, Aldo Semerari, Maurizio Neri, and Paolo Signorelli. August 1980. Bologna (BO) Lokale Name: Bulåggna Koordinate ... 81,3 61,0 Σ : 708,4: Sunnenstunde (h ... Am 2. [14][page needed], On 11 July 1988, Fachini, Fioravanti, Mambro and Picciafuoco were sentenced to life imprisonment for murder; Rinani and Signorelli were acquitted. „Gladio“-Bombenanschlag in Bologna (1980): „Man musste Zivilisten angreifen, unschuldige Menschen“ PRESSENSBILD / PICTURE ALLIANCE / DPA FOTOS: PICTURE ALLIANCE / DPA Rechtsextremist Lembke, beschlagnahmte Waffen (1981): Sprengstoff und Zyankali. Eine in einem abgestellten Koffer versteckte Zeitbombe detonierte um 10:25 Uhr in einem überfüllten Wartesaal des Bahnhofs. Bologna und die „spaghetti alla bolognese“ müssen wir erst einmal voneinander trennen. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. Der Sprengsatz bestand aus TNT und T4. Nun wurde die neofaschistische Terrororganisation Ordine Nuovo beschuldigt, den Anschlag verübt zu haben. Die Stadt war auf eine solch große Katastrophe nicht vorbereitet. aus der Wikipedia-Enzyklopädie). Der aktuelle Spielplan von FC Bologna. [18], Between 1999 and 2006, during sessions of the parliamentary commission established to probe terrorism in Italy and the failure to identify those responsible for the massacre and a commission investigating the Mitrokhin dossier and Italian intelligence activity, new information emerged on international terrorist networks and Italian intelligence in the former Soviet bloc and Arab countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen and Iraq. Der aktuelle Kader von FC Bologna im Überblick. [citation needed], A Lebanese connection was manufactured in September 1980 involving Al Fatah, Phalangists, Italian radicals and Swiss journalists tied to the Italian intelligence community, who supplied investigators with fake notes, memos, and reports. 587, The Association was responsible, together with other associations of victims of massacres the publication of the book entitled, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, "Strage di Bologna, 30 anni a Ciavardini—Cassazione conferma la condanna all'ex Nar", "Arrestato l'estremista nero Ciavardini per una rapina a mano armata", "Bologna, due assoluzioni in appello Per la strage non-ci fu depistaggio", "The Massacre of Bologna... 30 Years Later", "Il giallo della strage di Bologna. 85 Mensche si gstorbe, mindestens 200 si verletzt worde. The call later proved fake, originating instead from the Florence office of SISMI (the Italian Military Secret Service). The 2017 French novel, which satirizes late-20th-century Parisian intellectual and political life,[34] involves two detectives investigating what they assume to be the murder of the philosopher Roland Barthes. Massimiliano Fachini, Valerio Fioravanti, Francesca Mambro, Sergio Picciafuoco, Roberto Rinani and Paolo Signorelli were charged with murder. Auf das Attentat folgten ein langes, verworrenes und umstrittenes Gerichtsverfahren und politische Diskussionen. August 1980, 10.17 Uhr, ein Schweizer Tourist auf dem Rückweg von der Adria filmt die Einfahrt in den Bahnhof von Bologna aus dem Fenster des Adria Express. August 1980. Il Bologna nel campionato di Serie A 1980-1981 si è classificato al settimo posto, malgrado i 5 punti di penalizzazione inflitti per lo scandalo delle scommesse. The Bologna massacre (Italian: strage di Bologna) was a terrorist bombing of the Bologna Centrale railway station in Bologna, Italy, on the morning of 2 August 1980, which killed 85 people and wounded over 200. Am 23. Download im Hochformat. Udinese: 30 6 13 11 24 39 -15 25: 10. Pistoiese: 30 6 4 20 19 46 -27 16: A góllö Die Serie A 1980/81 war die 49. Although the damaged part of the station has been mostly reconstructed, the original floor tile pierced by the detonation has been left in place and a deep crack (covered by a glass panel) has been left in the reconstructed main wall. [25][26] The PFLP has always denied responsibility. Con un buon inizio di stagione, la squadra allenata da Luigi Radice ha annullato in breve la penalizzazione, mantenendosi sempre a distanza di sicurezza dalle zone calde. On 16 May 1994, Fioravanti, Mambro and Picciafuoco were sentenced to life imprisonment; Fachini was acquitted. [21], In 2005, Carlos the Jackal said that "the Mitrokhin Commission attempts to falsify history" and "they were the CIA and the Mossad to hit in Bologna" with the intent to punish Italy for its relationship with the PLO. Later, in a special session of the Senate, Cossiga also supported the theory that neo-fascists were behind the attack: "Unlike leftist terrorism, which strikes at the heart of the state through its representatives, right-wing terrorism prefers acts such as massacres because acts of extreme violence promote panic and impulsive reactions. Das Gericht erkannte damit die Forderungen an, die Rechtsanwalt Fausto Baldi im Namen der Regierung eingereicht hatte. Laden Sie unseren Kalender 1980 mit den Feiertagen für Nordrhein-Westfalen in den Formaten PDF oder PNG. August wurde als Gedenktag an die Opfer ausgerufen. In der Saison 1980/81 wurde der Biathlon-Weltcup zum 4. Liga Saison 1980/81 Ecco le prove della pista araba", "Strage Bologna: Cossiga, forse atto del terrorismo arabo", "A Bologna a colpire furono Cia e Mossad. Belmonte, Gelli, Musumeci and Pazienza were convicted of defamation. A Bologna Football Club 1909 egy olasz labdarúgóklub Bologna városában. Der Anschlag von Bologna (italienisch Strage di Bologna) war ein Bombenanschlag auf den Hauptbahnhof der italienischen Stadt Bologna am Morgen des 2. [14][page needed] The appeal process began on 25 October 1989. Most of the victims of the blast were Italian, but it is believed some foreign tourists were among the dead. Cavallini, Fioravanti, Giuliani, Mambro and Picciafuoco were convicted of forming an armed gang; Fachini and Rinani were acquitted. Der Anschlag von Bologna (italienisch Strage di Bologna) war ein Bombenanschlag auf den Hauptbahnhof der italienischen Stadt Bologna am Morgen des 2. In May 2007, Massimo Sparti's son said: "My father has always lied about the Bologna investigation". "[6][7] The bomb was later found to be composed of 23 kilograms (51 lb) of explosives: 5 kilograms (11 lb) of TNT and Composition B and 18 kilograms (40 lb) of T4 (nitroglycerin for civil use). At 10:25 CEST, a time bomb hidden in an unattended suitcase detonated in an air-conditioned waiting room at the Bologna station, which was full of people seeking relief from the August heat. Chiarelettere), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bologna_massacre&oldid=987318021, Attacks on buildings and structures in 1980, Improvised explosive device bombings in 1980, Terrorist incidents in Italy in the 1980s, Terrorist incidents on railway systems in Europe, Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2019, Articles needing additional references from July 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2020, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from July 2020, Articles needing additional references from July 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 November 2020, at 07:28. Zurück zur Startseite Zurück zum Seitenanfang. [12][13] Ciavardini was also charged with the assassinations of Francesco Evangelista on 28 May 1980 and Judge Mario Amato on 23 June 1980. [9] This was followed by a KGB connection concocted by intelligence head General Giuseppe Santovito, a member of P2, and Francesco Pazienza. Torino: 30 8 10 12 26 29 -3 26: 10. Parla il figlio di Sparti, testimone chiave dell'accusa: 'Mio padre ha sempre mentito', "La strage di Bologna, fu un incidente della resistenza palestinese", "Our World: The convenient war against the Jews", "Former Italian Prime Minister fabricates lies against the Palestinian people", "Svolta sulla strage del Due Agosto Indagati due terroristi tedeschi", "La strage di Bologna fu organizzata e finanziata dai capi della loggia P2", "Esclusivo - Strage di Bologna, ecco le carte segrete di Licio Gelli", "Strage di Bologna, dalla P2 di Gelli milioni di dollari per finanziare i terroristi neofascisti", "The 7th Function of Language by Laurent Binet review – who killed Roland Barthes? Belmonte, Gelli, Musumeci and Pazienza were charged with defamation. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}44°30′22″N 11°20′32″E / 44.50611°N 11.34222°E / 44.50611; 11.34222, Terrorist bombing of the Central Station at Bologna, Italy, Ruins of the Bologna station west wing after the bombing, La storia d'Italia, Vol. Bei dem Anschlag starben 85 Menschen, mehr als 200 wurden verletzt. Zunächst wurden die linksextremen Roten Brigaden beschuldigt, den Anschlag begangen zu haben. Zwei Agenten des italienischen Geheimdienstes SISMI und der Vorsitzende der Propaganda Due (P2), Licio Gelli, wurden wegen Behinderung der Ermittlungsarbeiten verurteilt. Neben den vier Weltcupveranstaltungen in Jáchymov, Antholz, Ruhpolding und Hedenäset fanden die Weltmeisterschaften im finnischen Lahti statt. Nach sechs Jahren Ermittlung konnte Untersuchungsrichter Felice Casson nachweisen, dass es sich bei den Tätern um Neofaschisten handeln muss, die Kontakte zum italienischen Militärgeheimdienst pflegten. In 1998, the Supreme Court of Argentina refused to extradite Cauchi to Italy. [11] He had been arrested after the armed robbery of the Banca Unicredito di Roma on 15 September 2005. Como: 30 8 9 13 25 33 -8 25: 10. Spieltag, 16.08.1980 | FC Schalke 04 - Eintracht Frankfurt 1:4 (1:3) Schalke: Sandhofe - Dzoni, Geier, Rüssmann, Thiele - Bittcher, Elgert, Opitz (82. Nach sechs Jahren Ermittlung konnte jedoch U… Bologna: 30 11 12 7 32 27 +5 29: 7. On 17 November 2005, the Bologna prosecutor opened a case (Dossier 7823/2005 RG) against unknown persons. [4], The government, led by Christian Democratic Prime Minister Francesco Cossiga, first assumed that the incident was due to an accidental explosion of an old boiler in the station's basement. [14][page needed], On 12 February 1992, the Supreme Court of Cassation acquitted Rinani and Signorelli of murder; Signorelli was also acquitted of forming an armed gang and subversive association. [citation needed], Generals Pietro Musumeci, another member of P2, and Belmonte of SISMI had a police sergeant put a suitcase full of similar explosives on a train in Bologna. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! [28], Relatives of the victims formed the Associazione dei familiari delle vittime della strage alla stazione di Bologna del 2 agosto 1980 on 1 June 1981 to raise and maintain awareness of the bombing. Bundesliga 1980/1981 Nord - Ergebnisse u. Tabelle: alle Paarungen und Termine der Runde. The bombing is the backdrop of a chapter of Laurent Binet's The Seventh Function of Language [fr]. Liga BBVA season 1980-81, Classification, Results, Prominent Players Hier Prognose bis Spieltag der 3. The station was full of tourists that Saturday, and the city was unprepared for a major disaster. Some doctors and hospital staff returned early from vacation to care for the victims, and hospital departments which were closed for the summer holidays were reopened to accommodate the casualties. Cavallini, Fachini, Fioravanti, Giuliani, Mambro, Picciafuoco, Rinani and Signorelli were convicted of forming an armed gang; Iannilli, Melioli and Raho were acquitted. Te boje su i zvanične boje grada. The explosion collapsed the roof of the waiting room, destroyed most of the main building, and hit the Ancona–Chiasso train which was waiting at the first platform.[2]. The attack has been attributed to the NAR (Armed Revolutionary Nuclei), a neo-fascist terrorist organization. In the 1980–81 season Juventus competed in Serie A, Coppa Italia and UEFA Cup. "[3], The #37 bus (used to transport victims) and the clock (stopped at 10:25) were symbols of the massacre. Brescia: 30 4 17 9 19 25 -6 25: Relegated to Serie B: 15. Marco Ballan, Giuseppe Belmonte, Fabio De Felice, Stefano Delle Chiaie, Fachini, Licio Gelli, Maurizio Giorgi, Pietro Musumeci, Francesco Pazienza, Signorelli and Adriano Tilgher were charged with subversive association. [23] He was charged with falsifying evidence to incriminate Roberto Fiore and Gabriele Adinolfi, two leaders of the far-right Terza Posizione who had fled to London. Kalender Nordrhein-Westfalen 1980 Download als PDF oder PNG. Diese Webseite befasst sich mit Vorhersage von Ergebnissen anhand geschichtlicher Daten. [29], Bologna and the Associazione tra i familiari delle vittime della strage alla stazione di Bologna del 2 agosto 1980 sponsor an annual international composition competition which ends with a concert in Piazza Maggiore on 2 August, a national memorial day for all terrorist massacres. Die Saison des Vereins war jedoch geprägt vom größten Erfolg des Vereins in einem europäischen Klubwettbewerb, dem Vordringen ins Finale des Europapokal der Pokalsieger. The only applause was reserved for President Sandro Pertini, who arrived by helicopter in Bologna at 5:30 pm the day of the massacre and tearfully said: "I have no words; we are facing the most criminal enterprise that has ever taken place in Italy. Perugia: 30 5 13 12 18 31 -13 18: 16. In April 1998, Mambro was given home confinement and allowed to leave prison during the day. Involvement by Italian Secret Service officials was suggested. Beide bestritten stets die Verantwortung für den Anschlag in Bologna.